Halton Food is a program of Halton Environmental Network, which educates residents in Halton Region about sustainable food production and promotes access to local, healthy culturally-relevant food through sustainable community gardening, urban farming and school gardens. ​​

​Halton Food supports a range of food gardens at different sites across Halton Region: Halton Community Housing sites, partner community organizations, and gardens in public spaces. Produce grown at these sites is harvested and shared by the community, and donated to community food security organizations.
Halton Food also delivers presentations in partnership with other community organizations about food garden topics, such as container gardening, seed saving, and composting. At Halton Food, we’re passionate about community involvement. Our team brings a range of knowledge, skills and experience to strengthen food security issues across Halton Region.

Current Projects & Programs
Affordable Access
Halton Food believes that all residents have access to adequate, affordable, safe, nutritious and culturally acceptable food.
Sustainable Food System
That there is a fair and sustainable food system - local foods are available and promoted, local agricultural lands and farmers are protected and supported, and food has been produced and distributed in an environmentally acceptable way.
Food Sovereignty
Food is an important part of our heritage and culture and every one has the right to healthy and culturally appropriate food produced through ecologically sound and sustainable methods. Everyone has a right to define their own food and agricultural systems.
Right to Know
People have a right to know what’s in their food and where and how it was produced
All people should have physical and economic access to healthy, local food
Economic Viability
Local food businesses should be valued, supported and vibrant
All sectors of society share in the responsibility for creating and
maintaining a local sustainable food system
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