It’s time for Halton Food’s annual fall bulb sale!
Funds from this annual sale help to fund our community garden programs throughout Halton Region.
We are selling 4 varieties of hardneck garlic: Music, Russian Purple, Purple Glazer, and Legacy.
We are also selling Red Emperor tulip bulbs, as part of the Journey North citizen science project, helping track seasonal changes.
Thank you for choosing to purchase your bulbs from Halton Food!
If you have any questions, please email
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How to
Plant Garlic
Preparing to Plant.
Garlic is planted in the fall. It can be planted at any time before the ground freezes (in Southern Ontario, it is usually planted at the end of October or beginning of November).
Prepare the plot: remove other plants. Try not to plant onion family plants in the same plot each year.
Add a layer of compost or composted manure.
Separate the bulbs into individual cloves. Keep the papery husk on the cloves.
Dig holes or a trench, to a depth of about 3-4 times the length of the cloves.
Plant cloves, pointy end up, about 15 centimetres apart.
After Planting.
Mulch the garden bed with seed-free straw, leaves or newspaper. (If you use leaves or newspaper, check in the spring and remove once garlic is growing. Mulch helps insulate the garlic, and also helps keep squirrels from digging up the bulbs.)
Rest from a busy garden season and start thinking of garlic recipes!
In the Spring.
Add some compost to the garden bed.
Keep your eyes open for garlic sprouts. -
Weed around the garlic.
You can plant garlic companion plants in the same bed, just leave space for the garlic to grow and be harvested.
Harvest garlic scapes in June, once they have curled.
Dig up your garlic when the bottom 3 to 5 leaves have turned brown.
Be sure to dig about 10cm away from the stem and bulb so you do not harm the bulb with your trowel.
Hang garlic for 2-3 weeks to cure, or eat right away!