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Halton Community Climate Plan

To the Climate Summit Participants,


Thank you for your interest and participation in the Halton Community Climate Summit and for your input on development of Halton Community Climate Plan.

Halton Regional staff and the Halon Environmental Network will consolidate and consider all feedback gathered through the consultation activities.


The Halton Community Climate Plan


To propel community involvement, Halton Environmental Network (HEN) has partnered with the Halton Region to support the development of a Community Climate Plan. This work advances Halton Region’s participation in the Partners for Climate Protection (PCP) program.


Partners for Climate Protection is a Canada-wide program that guides municipalities through a five-step Milestone Framework to help them take action on climate change. The Partners for Climate Protection network is made up of over 500+ members from across the country.

Supporting Resources 

To support the consultation, two resource documents are available.


The Climate Action Resource Guide: From Local to Global. The Guide showcases what other municipalities, organizations, and communities are doing and actions to help inspire what could be included in the Halton Community Climate Plan. This report also highlights some of the great work already being done by the local municipalities in Halton.


The Halton Region 2019 Community Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory, completed as Part of Milestone 1 of the Partners for Climate Protection Program, summarizes a baseline community greenhouse gas emissions inventory for Halton Region for the year 2019.


We are in this together!


All municipalities in Halton including the City of Burlington, the Towns of Halton Hills, Oakville, and Milton, and Halton Region have declared climate change emergencies and are working to reduce impacts from their municipal operations and communities. Further information on local municipal climate work can be found at:


City of Burlington

Town of Halton Hills

Town of Milton

Town of Oakville


Consultations have been completed. To stay updated on the progress of the Halton Community Climate Plan, please visit

This work is supported by Halton Region

Office Address

Queen Elizabeth Park Community & Cultural Centre
2302 Bridge Rd Oakville, ON L6L 2G6

Mailing Address

c/o Halton Environmental Network (HEN)
PO Box 60037 RPO Hopedale
Oakville, ON L6L 6R4

Office Hours

Monday to Friday, 9 am to 5 pm

Email Us

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As a community, we have the responsibility to honour, care for and respect all the Creation gives to provide us with life. This includes the land, water, air, fire, animals, plants and our ancestors. The Anishinabek Peoples have utilized this land for millennia and we would like to acknowledge their direct descendants, the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation, as the rightful caretakers and titleholders of this land upon which we live, work and conduct ourselves. We acknowledge our treaty relationship and responsibilities to both the land and these original peoples. We also recognize that this land is rich in pre-contact history and customs, which includes the Anishinabek and Haudenosaunee and since European contact, has and continues to become home for Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples. And it is in the spirit and intent of the Dish With One Spoon, wampum agreement whereby we will collectively care for and respect the land, water, animals and each other in the interests of peace and friendship and for the benefit of not only ourselves but of our future descendants.  
The HEN Office resides on Treaty 22, Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation.


The Halton Environmental Network is a proud member of the Halton Equity and Diversity Roundtable (HEDR) and has signed their Charter to foster an inclusive Halton community. 

© Copyright 2008-2025 Halton Environmental Network | Privacy Policy

Charity Number 815145214RR0002

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